Looking to buy?
We know everything about the market. From the neighborhood stats to recent sales to the nearest Starbucks to taxes to off-market listings, we'll help you find the right home.
Tammi Realtor LLC
2323 Old Minden Road, Suite 100
Where you're not seen as just another buyer or seller. When you partner with our team, we'll treat you as if you're our only client. That means we'll be crazy fast at responding to your messages, help you overcome every obstacle, and always deliver what we promise.
That would be tough, but now you don't have to. Let us know how we can serve you and we'll show you how we can help.
We know everything about the market. From the neighborhood stats to recent sales to the nearest Starbucks to taxes to off-market listings, we'll help you find the right home.
Our goal is the same as yours: Get you the most money for your home. We'll bring in our professional stagers and photographers, and advertise your home to thousands of potential buyers.
The reason why 448 people chose us to help them buy and sell in 2021 was because we always made time for them. Because we sell every type of property. Because we take customer service to the next level (just ask us about our Closing Care Coordinator). And because we get the job done.
When it comes down to it, the best time to sell is the best time for you. All kinds of personal factors can play into your decision to sell, from job changes to family changes to just generally feeling ready. If you’re thinking about selling your home, reach out to us! We’ll run a market analysis on your property and give you an idea of how much you could sell your home for in today’s market.
The short answer: Yes, you can. However, it becomes a problem when you have to sell your house as a contingency in purchasing your next house. Most sellers won't be interested in accepting an offer that has this contingency. As long as you have the cash available for the down payment and/or the financing secure, you can buy a home without selling your existing one, and sell it after you sign the sales agreement.
On average, many buyers find a home within a few months of when they begin their search. The buyers who are able to find homes in this market are the ones who are decisive and prepared. They've made their wish list and know their deal breakers. That way when a home hits the market - they don't hesitate.
Clean, declutter, and neutralize. You only get one opportunity to make a positive first impression with potential buyers. Well-staged homes look better, photograph better, show better and sell faster! Pack up all your family photos and get them ready for your next place. This helps buyers focus on the house, and not your family.
This is the million dollar question. It entirely depends on the situation, the location, the condition of the home, and how much money you're willing to put into the home after you purchase it. These are all things that an experienced agent can talk you through. In some instances, it makes sense to waive contingencies to win the home and in others, it will be a nightmare.
In a time when the market is shifting, you need a team who's seen it all, and can help you solve any problem. That's Team Tammi.